
Research of water resources in China

Yan Yan, Qiuna Zhang, Yingna Zhao, Qingpeng Ding, Longge Yan

Freshwater is a limiting factor influencing the development ofmost regions in the world. Taking ChinaÂ’s vast land and uneven water resource distribution into account, we will divide it into seven regions of North China, Northeast China, East China, Central China, Southwest China, Northwest China and South China and then construct a water resource strategic optimization model. Construct a multi-source and multi-terminal network flowmodel andwork out theminimumcostmaximumflowfromthe source to the sink point so as to put forward an effective, feasible, lowcost water resource strategic optimization model

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  • CASS
  • Google Scholar
  • Ouvrir la porte J
  • Infrastructure nationale du savoir de Chine (CNKI)
  • CiterFactor
  • Cosmos SI
  • MIAR
  • Laboratoires secrets des moteurs de recherche
  • Euro Pub
  • Université de Barcelone

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