
Isozymic Evidence for the Common Origin of Diplazium Species Confined to South India and Sri Lanka

Johnson M, Irudaya Raj V and Rajkumar D

The present study was aimed to illustrate the isozymic evidence for the common origin ofDiplaziumspecies confined to South India and Sri Lanka. The standard technique of vertical poly acrylamide gel electrophoresis was employed to demonstrate the banding profile and the gelswere stained for isoperoxidase enzyme system.Atotal of 30 bands in twenty five different positionswith seven activity regionswere observed in the isoperoxidase enzyme system of Diplazium. Maximum degree of diversity has been observed in D. travancoricum with the presence of fourteen bands, followed by D. polypoides with nine bands, in contrast D. cognatum and D. dilatum have only four bands and two bands respectively.

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  • Infrastructure nationale du savoir de Chine (CNKI)
  • CiterFactor
  • Cosmos SI
  • MIAR
  • Laboratoires secrets des moteurs de recherche
  • Euro Pub
  • Université de Barcelone

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