
Glucoside flavonoids from the antimicriobial extract of the saharan medicinal plant Limoniastrum feei

Smahia Rahmani, Nasser Belboukhari, Abdelkrim Cheriti, Younes Bourmita1, Mohamed Didi Ould El Hadj

Phytochemical investiguation of the antimicrobial extract fromthe endemic saharan medicinal plant Limoniastrum feei (Plumbaginaceae) led to the isolation of two major constituents by liquid chromatography methods, the compounds were identified using spectroscopic analysis as flavonoid glycosides: 6-diméthyl 2,5 hexyl-7-O-glucopyranoside (1- 6)glucopyranoside-5,7,3Â’,4Â’hydroxyl flavone (1) and 3-Oglucopyranoside 6-ester 3-méthyle hexanone 1 diene 2,4 -7-Oglucopyranosyle (1-6)(2-6)glucopyranoside trihydroxyl 5,3Â’,4Â’-flavone (2).

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