Ferromagnetic relaxation in NiFe/Si(001) alloy thin films
In this paper, we present a study on the ferromagnetic relaxation in thin films. For this, a series of NiFe alloyed thin films were sputtered onto Si (001) wafers by dc magnetron sputtering, and then characterized by inplane ferromagnetic resonance (FMR). The FMR linewidth (ï„H) is studied as a function of the in-plane angle, ïªH, film thickness, t, and temperature, T. We show that the mechanisms responsible for the magnetization relaxation in NiFe thin films, involve angular dispersions of the uniaxial anisotropy,ï„ ïª u, and Gilbert damping,G.Both,ï„ ïª u andG, followthe 1/t law expected for interface phenomena. As function of temperature, the ferromagnetic linewidth decreases as T increases, in accordance with the theory of thermal activated electron-lattice scattering processes.