Computer simulation analysis on piano timbre
Wenjing Yuan
Computer Simulation technique could achieve a positive effect on the analysis process of piano timbre, which help achieve the ultimate goal of making the piano timbre judgment more scientific and rational. However, according to previous studies, researchers do not attach much attention to the relationship between waveform around five peaks in the frequency spectrum and specific amplitude ratios, which will have a relatively direct impact on the timbre of the piano and makes piano timbre analysis process without strong comprehensive theoretical support and computer simulation process less scientific and rational. However, this research intends primarily to discuss the piano tone model, makes the two types of parameter interface established, and provides effective access to parameters based on the premise of tone. This essay also discusses the Fourier analysis of combination tone and the reconstruction of timbre of the piano, making the tone spectrum analysis of the piano playing and the reconstruction of the piano tone effectively guaranteed. It also provides a solid theory and data support to computer simulation analysis of piano tone. This is the main idea of this research process, which can also fully reflect the specific objectives of the study and the specific methods, with the aim to provide a solid foundation of theory and data to further researches.