
Bioremediation-An Effective Cleanup Technology

Nida Tabassum Khan

Bioremediation is a technology in which microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, protists and yeast are used to degrade harmful substances into non-toxic or less toxic substances to solve environmental problem. It is a waste management technique in which living organism are used to clean up pollution by removing or neutralizing pollutants from contaminated sites or to break down hazardous substances into less toxic or nontoxic forms by using naturally occurring bio-components. There are different natural contamination processes that occur for substance breakdown. When waste is bio-remediated it can be recycled, or at least, stored in such a way that it causes no further harm to the environment around it. Bioremediation is one of the cost effective and safest methods we have now to degrade contaminated waste. Which bioremediation approach is taken relies on the type(s) of microorganisms officially displaying at the pollution site. For instance, if the microorganisms effectively introduced are proper to separate the kind of pollution, cleanup groups may just need to "nourish" these microorganisms by the expansion of composts, supplements, oxygen, phosphorus, and so on. Keywords

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